TIMELINE : Developed from greenfield to COD

2014 : Applied for and received a 70 MWac 32 JPY Feed-in-Tariff

2015 & 2016 : Acquired the golf course through a bankruptcy proceeding and shut it down.  Designed and engineered plant and acquired  necessary development permits.

2017 : EPC & Financing contracts negotiated, project achieves NTP

2019 : Project reaches COD and begins selling power under the FIT. Project sold to Itochu-Enex 

Plant details:

  • Photovoltaic module: Jinko Solar PC05A – 265 W
  • Converter: ABB PVS800-57-1000 kW
  • AC/DC power capacity: 70 MWac / 98.12 MWdc
  • Number of modules: 370,280 Units
  • Number of stations: 35 x (2 x 1000 kW) stations
  • Feed in Tariff: 32 JPY/KWh
  • EPC Contractor: Maetel – ACS Group