美歐亞綠能-「海精新能源股份有限公司」於6日與永豐、安泰、中國信託三家銀行簽定六年期新台幣18.88億元聯合授信合約,將為台開創綠電新里程碑。 详情请见新闻报道:https://udn.com/news/story/7314/7561852
MRE's First Ground-mounted Project in Taiwan Now Operating
MRE's first ground-mounted project in Taiwan has reached a significant milestone as it is now officially connected to the grid and operating.
MRE's Long-term RECs Sales Agreement
MRE entered into a 5-year agreement with a local electricity retail partner to sell Renewable Energy Certificates generated from our Singapore solar rooftop projects.
Interview with Energy Business Review
Energy Business Review interviewed two of the MRE founders, Jason Block and Marzio Keiling, and recognised MRE as one of the top 10 sustainable energy companies in APAC 2020.. For more details, please visit Energy Business Review website here: https://www.energybusinessreview..com/maiora-renewable
MRE started the construction of its first ground mounted project in Taiwan.
MRE started the construction of its first ground-mounted project in Taiwan.
MRE signed a lease agreement in June to build
MRE signed a lease agreement in June to build, own and operate a 510 kWp rooftop solar system with a major Philippine based manufacturer. Building will commence in September 2019.
MRE has commissioned its latest solar 451kWp PV project in Singapore
In January 2021, MRE has commissioned its latest solar 451kWp PV project in Singapore on the facility rooftop of a leading architectural glass processor in the Tuas area of Singapore.
MRE has broken ground on a new 1,200kWp PV project in Singapore
In April 2021, MRE has broken ground on a new 1,200kWp PV project in Singapore which will provide sustainable power to one of the biggest packaging solution providers in Singapore.
MRE had a successful town hall meeting
MRE had a successful town hall meeting on 7 December 2021. This picture shows the group of staff who attended the town hall meeting in the MRE Taiwan office in person.
MRE achieved turn-on for a 1200kWp PV system in Singapore
In December 2021, MRE has successfully achieved turn-on for a 1200kWp PV system for one of Singapore’s largest packaging providers. The PV system will supply nearly half of the facility operation’s electricity needs with affordable and sustainable solar power.